What are the electives and residual skills in Commerce and Industry?

SAICA requires trainees to amass several competencies to qualify as a CA(SA). The compulsory competencies are Accounting and External Reporting.
Elective competencies in the MTN SA CA Training Programme are Financial Management and Management Decision-Making.
Residual competencies include Auditing and Assurance, Taxation and Risk Management.You are exposed to these competencies as you rotate through the different business units.

Does MTN cover relocation costs?

MTN SA does not cover relocation costs.

Does MTN offer study leave? And does MTN pay for Board fees?

We offer generous study leave.
We cover both board exams as well as the board course.

What is a rotation plan? Do we choose our own rotation plans? What are the potential rotations?

A rotation plan is a summary of the business units and competencies you will be exposed to as you grow in the programme.
We typically have an unstructured rotation system. This allows trainees to drive their own development and structure their rotations to suit their interests and career objectives.
We do offer a structured rotation plan to first year trainees, but they are still encouraged to be active in the planning process.

When does my employment contract start and where would I be based for the duration of the training contract?

Your employment contract with MTN SA is a 3-year training contract that begins on the 1st of February.
Trainees are based at the MTN head office in Fairland, Johannesburg.

What is the CA Programme retention rate?

We develop our trainees to be part of the MTN family at the end of their training contract.